General questions:
See below for the most common questions we receive about Leadsrush.
Yes! With a free account, you can use up to 50 searches/month, and 100 email verifications/month. If you need more, please check the pricing page for more info.
Yes, Leadsrush allows you to quickly find B2B companies in any industry and their staff details. If you type an industry and location, then you can filter the data based on your needs.
Leadsrush includes an email verifier. Emails are one of the most popular ways for communicating online and we can help you make sure every email is valid before sending to your CRM or mailing software.
No. The software makes it easy to search for companies and people, then you can export or send the data without wasting any time. There are many integrations we have to make this process even easier.
With third party automations tools like Zapier and Make you can connect over 5000 different programs, but we have many native integrations like Salesforce, HubSpot, Mailchimp… You can see the full list of available integrations at
See below the most common questions regarding license and credits.
Yes, you can either purchase a monthly plan or purchase a one year plan and save up to 30%.
Yes, you can cancel your subscription any time before renewal and you will not be charged again.
Yes, you can upgrade your plan any time and pay the difference, you can also downgrade your plan at any point during your subscription.
Yes, each plans has unlimited users, you can add as many colleagues as you wish, you will all share the credit limits of your account.
No, every month your credits reset based on your current plan.
Leadsrush has two separate credits, search credits and email verification credits. We charge one credit for each search, and up to ten results. If for example you make a search in the local businesses module and you get 46 results and export them, you will be charged 5 credits, if the results where 160 and you exported, you would be charged 16 credits. When you search for a domain, or in the technology you get charged one credit per search and up to 10 results, if you get 50 results, the charge would be 5 credits.
For email verification, you will have a separate set of credits, one credit used for every email verified.
Support & updates:
Explore the support and updates that come with your license purchase, including the duration of access, the type of support offered.
You will have access to updates and support all the time. There is no extra charge for support , it is included with your plan.
We currently only offer email support, just contact us using the form above and we will be happy to help.
We tend to release a bi-monthly update of the software.
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