Your complete all-in-one integrated
Lead Generation tool
built for success
Search for local businesses in any industry. Find the email address of any company and the right decision makers.

Lead Generation excellence
Find the email addresses of the professionals you want to contact one by one or in bulk.
Local Businesses
Reach millions of local businesses in any industry. Get the company name, address, phone, email and the right decision makers at the company.
Email Finder
Find the email address of any professional in any company. Type the company domain and get a list of people working for that company.
Email Verifier
Verify the deliverability of any email address. The Email Verifier checks that any email address is deliverable before you can send emails to it.
Bulk tasks
Search or verify lists of email addresses in minutes with the powerful bulk tasks.
Search for companies that have adopted a particular technology on their websites.
Use the power of Leadsrush anywhere through simple API calls. Get started in minutes.
Find B2B companies
in any industry
Unlock the power of Leadsrush and dive deep into any industry!
Ever wondered about every restaurant in New York and who’s behind the magic? We’ve got you!
With our cutting-edge software, not only can you pinpoint B2B companies in any sector, but you’ll also be shaking hands with their decision-makers in no time.
Supports any industry
Millions of B2B leads
Fast & Easy to use
Reach the right
Fill your pipeline with more qualified prospects.
The Domain Search provides a list of employees within a company, complete with their names and email details, all sourced from the web.
The Email Verifier offers a straightforward method to ensure the validity of the email address you’re reaching out to.
Cut your prospecting time
Acquire all contact details
Verify all emails
Find the technology stack of any company
Discover companies utilizing specific technology platforms. Interested in identifying businesses that incorporate Shopify or Woocommerce into their websites?
Leadsrush offers a solution, enabling you to uncover a diverse range of companies employing various technologies on their websites.
Dozen of technologies
Filter by Tld
Filter by country
Integrations with 3rd party programs
Seamlessly connect with your preferred applications. With just a single click, move your data from Leadsrush directly into your favorite CRM or email marketing tool.
Get started
Ready to supercharge your business?
Boost sales and gain a competitive edge by taking advantage of Leadsrush.